Blueberry extract power comes from cultivated high-bush blueberries or smaller wild low-bush blueberries. Contains a lot of phytochemicals, including rich anthocyanin pigments. Among its various phytochemicals, anthocyanins may have the greatest impact on the health of blueberries.

So what are the benefits of Blueberry extract power in natural medicine?

1. Eye health

Blueberry extract power can improve your overall eye health, especially night vision. This benefit is attributed to the previously mentioned antioxidant complex called anthocyanins.Studies on cataract progression have shown that the combination of bilberry anthocyanins and vitamin E has a 97% success rate in preventing cataract progression. Protects and regenerates retinal violet protein (rhodopsin), and cures patients with eye diseases such as pigmentation, retinitis, glaucoma and myopia.

2. Anti-inflammatory

Treatment of mild inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and throat, diarrhea, enteritis, urethritis, cystitis and viral bullous epidemics. It has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

3. Blueberry extract power contains antioxidants

First of all, blueberry powder contains a lot of anthocyanins, which is a complex of antioxidants. Antioxidants are essential to protect cells from oxidative stress. They may help prevent the development and progression of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Blueberry extract power contain anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants that give berries a unique blue-purple color. These anthocyanins can protect cells from the damage of free radicals, which can cause chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke and cancer.

4. Lower cholesterol levels

If your cholesterol is high, adding blueberry powder to your diet may help.

5. Bone health

Blueberry extract power are rich in polyphenols, which can protect bones and prevent osteoporosis.

6. Rich in dietary fiber

Blueberry extract power is rich in natural fiber and vitamins. Dietary fiber helps prevent constipation, maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of diabetes, and prevent heart disease and certain types of cancer.

7. Sources of Vitamin C, E and K

Blueberry extract power is an excellent natural source of vitamins such as vitamins A, C, E and K. Vitamin A helps bone formation and maintain healthy vision. In addition, vitamin C can help you fight and recover from colds, absorb iron, maintain healthy tissues, promote wound healing, and protect teeth and gums.

Vitamin E is an effective antioxidant that helps delay the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, protect your liver and reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Finally, vitamin K is essential in the blood clot process, it plays a role in bone formation and can prevent osteoporosis.

8. Very low sugar content, no saturated fat

The sugar content of Blueberry extract power is extremely low. All of these are natural, making it an ideal supplement for diabetics and those who want to reduce their daily dietary sugar intake.

Blueberry extract power does not contain any saturated fats that are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Overall, Blueberry extract power is one of the healthiest and safest products you can add to your daily diet.

Blueberry extract power is versatile and can be added to everyone’s daily diet:

  • l Dissolve Blueberry extractpower in water or ordinary soda water to get more flavonoids and extra flavor.
  • lIf you sprinkle Blueberry extractpower on oatmeal, it can add more anti-inflammatory properties and phytonutrients to your existing food.
  • l Use 1 or 2 teaspoons or 1 tablespoon per serving. Therefore, if you are hiring more than one person, please adjust accordingly.
  • lSmoothie: Add banana, blueberry powder, equal amounts of coconut milk and water, and a small amount of organic cinnamon powder.
  • lVegetable juice: The juice of carrot, cucumber, date and Blueberry extractpower is a vital start to your day.
  • lBaking: Add blueberry powder to your muffin mix. Tip: Add the powder to the dry ingredients and mix.

Therefore, buying Blueberry extract power is more cost-effective than buying fresh berries and has a longer shelf life. It is generally believed that the regular consumption of Blueberry extract power can be unconditionally recommended.

Blueberry extract power have such rich and powerful nutritional functions, which are especially popular among health lovers. At the same time, we help our dear customers to provide better quality and more reasonable price Blueberry extract power, let Blueberry extract power into your life.