Carnosic acid offers a variety of health advantages and is helpful for health issues due to its antioxidative and antibacterial qualities. Due to its medicinal properties, this herb is an effective treatment for persistent skin disorders.

Why do people use Carnosic acid, and what are its great benefits on our health? You will know all about Carnosic acid, its structure to extraction, and how to use it for various diseases. This guide may prove a great step to satisfy your craving to know about Carnosic acid.

What is Carnosic Acid and How to Extract Carnosic Acid from Rosemary?

Carnosic acid is a benzenediol abietane diterpene that occurs naturally in rosemary, oregano, and common sage. These herbs’ dried leaves contain 1.5 to 2.5% Carnosic acid content. This oil-soluble natural food additive is highly effective and of the finest quality. It is a yellowish powder extracted from the different plant’s leaves. Its pH is 4.68, making it a mild acid.

Carnosic acid extracted from rosemary lacks the potent flavoring components can find in rosemary leaves but possesses antioxidant effects equivalent to other authorized dietary antioxidants. In the human diet, rosemary leaves have long been safely consumed as a flavoring herb, whether dried or fresh.

What are the Physical, Structural, and Chemical Properties of Carnosic Acid?

  • Carnosic Acid Chemical Composition

Rosemary, oregano, and common sage are plants that naturally contain Carnosic acid, which is a benzenediol abietane diterpene. The dried leaves of these herbs contain 1.5–2.5% Carnosic acid. Its composition contains essential elements such as Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. The chemical formula of Carnosic acid is C20H28O4, also known as Salvin. Its molar mass weighs 332.440 g·mol−1. It is a good antioxidant.

  • Carnosic Acid Solubility in Oil and Water

Many food products and health supplements contain extracts from rosemary leaves, including Carnosic acid and carnosol, which are thought to have powerful antioxidant qualities. The phenolic diterpenes are mainly responsible for such antioxidant effects in compounds. The two main Carnosic acid as well as carnosol diterpenes are phenolic diterpenes.

Natural rosemary extract has distinct solubility properties in oil and water, with 14.7% carnosol and 73.9% Carnosic acid. According to solubility tests, Carnosic acid dissolves poorly in water. Carnosic acid, in contrast, is easily soluble in oil. Even though Carnosic acid has greater antioxidant properties, many people believe that natural antioxidants like it are safer than artificial preservatives.

  • Carnosic Acid Toxicity

The pH of Carnosic acid is about 4.68. It has various health advantages because of its acidic and antioxidant properties. It is usually considered safe in the diet at the appropriate dosages. There have been isolated reports of allergic responses, nevertheless. Large doses of Carnosic acid can result in serious adverse effects, such as spasms, vomiting, coma, and, in certain circumstances, pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs) due to their volatile free fatty acid content.

  • Heat Stability

Since carbonic acid has a melting point between 185 and 190 °C, it will be resistant to heat up to that point with no alteration in its chemical or physical makeup. When exposed to light and at higher temperatures, it degrades. Only extremely high temperatures (200-300 °C) and exposure to light and humidity for over six months can cause Carnosic acid to degrade. It is true when Carnosic acid is powdered.

What is the Process of Carnosic Acid Extraction from Rosemary?

There are a lot of extraction methods for extracting Carnosic acid. One of the easiest methods is discussed below:

  1. Boil water three to four times and strain the powdered plant material three to four times throughout an hour.
  2. Transfer the aqueous extracts to a new beaker and then acidify them to ph. 2. The clear solution is obtained by filtering off the sediment that has so been created.
  3. Use diethyl ether (40 ml per 100 ml of water extract) and liquid-liquid extract with the purified and acidified water extract.
  4. Gather the diethyl ether organic phase and evaporate it in a rotary vacuum evaporator.
  5. There!! Carnosic acid in its crude form is prepared.

What are the Antibacterial Properties of Carnosic Acid?

According to a lot of research, Carnosic acid exhibits biological bioactivities like antifungal, antioxidant, insecticide, and antibacterial properties. It is generally known that the phenolic group in it plays an essential role in giving it its biological capabilities. However, it is crucial to remember that these biological characteristics depend on several factors. Antimicrobials can be used in foodstuff for two major purposes: to prevent or restrict the growth of germs, particularly harmful bacteria, and to limit natural spoiling processes. Carnosic acid is used extensively in the food preservation industry as a result. Its volatile nature is directly connected with Carnosic acid’s biological and antibacterial properties.

What Food Contains Carnosic Acid?

Herbal plants contain Carnosic acid, including oregano, rosemary, and sage. Rosemary contains the largest concentration of Carnosic acid. Carnosic acid in sag and rosemary leaves is 1.5 to 2.5%. By using various extraction techniques, Carnosic acid is extracted from these plants. However, some Lamiaceae plants like thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and basil (Ocimum basilicum); develop carnosol instead of Carnosic acid. Electrophilic substances include Carnosic acid and the derivative carnosol. Carnosol and Carnosic acid can induce nerve growth factor genes in neuronal cells. Additionally, Carnosic acid stops the growth of several cancer cell lines, particularly breast and lung cancer.

Carnosic Acid

What are Carnosic Acid Supplements Use for Health?

Adults have also utilized the herb rosemary as medicine in oil, powder, and extract. There are numerous supplement tablets with Carnosic acid available on the market. There isn’t enough reliable data to determine the ideal dosage of Carnosic acid. Remember that dosages can be vital and that natural products aren’t always safe. Before using, make sure to seek the guidance of a healthcare professional and observe all relevant instructions on product labels.

Rosemary is a fragrant herb frequently used to season and garnish food, but it has many uses than those found in the kitchen. According to reports, rosemary is an excellent source of polyphenols, bioactive chemicals, and antioxidants.

Carnosic acid, a potent antioxidant, is present in high concentrations in rosemary extract. Rosemary extract supplement contains 20% Carnosic acid. When applied to the scalp, Carnosic acid appears to improve blood flow, which may promote the development of hair follicles. Carnosic acid and rosemary extract may also aid in sun damage prevention. People frequently take it for things like hair loss, heartburn, fatigue, and Alzheimer’s, although few of these uses are well-supported by science.

What are the Main Carnosic Acid Benefits?


Several biological effects of Carnosic acid (CA) have been reported, including anti-inflammation, antiviral, and Carnosic acid anti-cancer properties. According to certain research, Carnosic acid inhibits the migration and growth of tumor cells and the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor. It may act as an antioxidant and improve immune system health. It reduces the generation of hormones linked to cancer and decreases the growth of cancer cells. It may prove successful in treating lung and breast cancer. So, a suitable cancer treatment plan may involve combining Carnosic acid with other chemotherapy medications.

     2.Anti-Aging and Skin Benefits

Carnosic acid is an effective antioxidant found in nature, nurtures capillaries, and helps delay the signs of aging on the skin. Additionally, it tightens floppy and sagging skin to make it appear tighter, and even more elastic rosemary promotes cell growth and biological activity to lessen wrinkles and fine lines. The herb’s potent antibacterial capabilities can help treat acne and greasy skin diseases.

The skin’s complexion can improve by using it to help in reducing dark patches and blemishes. Carnosic acid aging properties and Rosemary extract’s anti-inflammatory properties and qualities help in skin inflammation and swelling.

Carnosic Acid

     3.Boasts Metabolism

You might get insomnia as a result of an issue with your digestion. After eating, you frequently have bowel stress and stomach ache. One of the greatest chemicals for indigestion relief is Carnosic acid. Carnosic acid detox water may be the solution you’ve been looking for if you’re overweight and have a lot of belly fat. You can incorporate this ingredient into your water to help you lose weight. You may be able to avoid developing conditions, including heart disease, inflammation, and high blood pressure. You can prevent heart disease by losing weight in your belly and other areas using the Carnosic acid found in rosemary.

     4.Effective for Hair Growth and Prevent Hair Loss

Carnosic acid benefits hair, and its unique properties make it more beneficial and effective for everyday use. It stimulates and enhances blood flow to the scalp and promotes hair growth. As an outcome, it might prevent blood supply from being cut off to hair follicles, which would cause them to die and result in hair loss. Because of Carnosic acid antimicrobial activity, it softly cleanses hair and makes it shine more. In addition to promoting hair growth, it delays premature greying and eliminates dandruff.

A rough or itchy scalp may also benefit from using Carnosic acid antimicrobial properties. Carnosic acid proves much beneficial for maintaining healthy hair. It is an active ingredient with healing properties and can efficiently heal nerve and tissue damage. The healing of nerve endings causes restoration of the scalp nerves resulting in the restoration of hair growth. Along with restoring hair growth, it effectively prevents hair loss.

     5.Other benefits of  Carnosic acid

  • Carnosic acid content in rosemary possesses excellent antioxidant properties. It reduces the risk of the growth of cancer cells and the development of tumors in the body. Carnosic acid cancer reduction properties make it more valuable for manufacturers and suppliers.
  • Carnosic acid is found to be very beneficial in the immune system as it fights against many infections and reduces the risk of infections in the body. It possesses antifungal, antibacterial, antitumor, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties.
  • Carnosic acids also have amazing effects on memory. It also acts as an anti-cancer against cardiovascular diseases.
  • Carnosic acids also increase glucose consumption for the cells of skeletal muscle. Carnosic acid protects against metabolic disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, and vascular diseases. In addition, it also makes use to activate the AMPK (Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase).
  • Carnosic acid is also very beneficial as it works as a safeguard that opposes free radicals in the brain, which are produced by the body. Carnosic acid also protects the structure of the cell membrane by removing single oxygen that reduces the process of aging.
  • Carnosic acid is also very beneficial in losing weight by antioxidant activity that speeds up fat metabolism.
  • Carnosic acids are oil-friendly and can easily mix up in oil products.

How Does Carnosic Acid Use in Food and Medicines?

When we discuss what Carnosic acid used for, it will be a long list of its usage to describe. Some main uses are as follows:

  • Carnosic acid is used in the pharmaceutical industry to treat or prevent many diseases. It proves very helpful in the treatment of many diseases. It is very helpful in the maintenance of health.
  • Carnosic acid in food proves very beneficial in preserving food as it is used in fish and meat sauces.
  • Carnosic acid is used in treating throat disease; for example, swallowing of the throat can be caused by bacteria or viruses. It uses in the treatment of tonsillitis and pharyngitis.
  • Carnosic acid is also used to treat indigestion, also known as dyspepsia.
  • Carnosic acid is edible and used in the feed of animals and the food of pets.
  • Carnosic acid’s health benefits are unlimited; its use is safe, has no side effects, and is non-toxic.
  • Carnosic acid acts as an antiviral and antibacterial, which is used against gargle agents. Carnosic acid is also used in tooth grinding, also known as bruxism.
  • The use of Carnosic acid use in cosmetic and skin care products is also greatly important for the skin care industry.
  • Carnosic acid is also found in antimicrobial medicines that help kill microorganisms and stop their growth in the body.
  • The oxidative stress of environmental pollutants is reduced by Carnosic acid. It protects the skin from harmful UV rays and prevents the skin from acne problems. There are numerous neuroprotective benefits of Carnosic acid.

What are the Isolation and Side Effects of Carnosic Acid?

  • Carnosic Acid Isolation:

Carnosic acid can be isolated and purified from the rosemary plant. It produces concentrated Carnosic acid, exhibiting colorless, flavorless, and odorless properties. It is isolated by using a water-miscible solvent, i.e., acetone. The water is used as the primary forcing solvent. The solubility of Carnosic acid in water is poor. However, few salts of Carnosic acid show high water solubility.

The deprotonation of Carnosic acid is done by adding a base to the extract, leading to the formation of salts of Carnosic acid. After that, the proper adjustments of the water contents of the extracts are made to a level that allows the high solubility of the Carnosic acid salts and insolubility of the component molecules. Consequently, the substantial properties are precipitated.

Appropriate methods are utilized to remove impurities from the solution leaving behind the Carnosic acid. The solvent components are evaporated by subjecting the solution to distillation treatment, e.g., Vacuum steam distillation. In addition to solvent, it also removes natural oils that may cause taste and odor properties. In the end, the acidification of the solution is done, causing the precipitation of purified Carnosic acid and recovery of product through suitable methods such as centrifugation and filtration, etc.

Carnosic acid side effects are negligible, and it is known for numerous advantages for both humans and animals. Even the high Carnosic acid dosage is not fatal. Instead, its high dose intake can lead to the development of powerful inflammatory agents.

What are Carnosic Acid Structure and its Levels in Rosemary?

It is an abietane diterpenoid, i.e., abieta-8, 11, 13-triene, that a carboxy and hydroxy groups substitute. The hydroxy groups are present at positions 11 and 12, while the carboxy group is at position 20. It shows antioxidant, antineoplastic, anti-HIV, and anti-angiogenic activity.

Carnosic Acid Levels in Rosemary:

Carnosic acid is a phenolic diterpene belonging to the family Lamiaceae and is abundantly found in rosemary. The composition of the Carnosic acid in the rosemary is about 0.1% to 7%. The composition percentage mainly depends on the extract preparation type, sample treatment, plant growth conditions, plant variety, species, etc.

What are Carnosic Acid Covid Impacts?

Carnosic acid is effective in treating covid as it inhibits the inflammation pathways. This pathway is specifically active in Covid conditions and many other diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, and was conducted on a COVID-19 infection-blocking experiment that the scientists later explained. According to the results, the ability of the SARS-CoV-2 to badly infect the cells is blocked by the Carnosic acid. The higher dose of Carnosic acid results in higher infection-blocking activity.

Where to Buy Carnosic Acid?

The carnosic acid powder is a health supplement that proves beneficial in numerous ways, resulting in high demand. A daily dose of the Carnosic acid supplement can help to maintain good health. Only a high-quality Carnosic acid wholesale supplier Xi’an Herb Bio can provide relevant benefits. Therefore, you must purchase pure Carnosic acid supplements. Health food shops offer Carnosic acid supplements in various forms, such as capsules and powders. You can also buy them from online health-related websites. Carnosic acid buying from an unauthentic supplier is worthless and makes your business a failure. Contact the best Chinese Carnosic acid supplier Xi’an Herb Bio  to get more than you expect and boost your business.