For those who don’t know about herbs, psyllium is a very unfamiliar name.
But what everyone doesn’t know is that psyllium is actually a very common Chinese herbal medicine, which has its own medical value.
Then please join me in entering the world of psyllium and learn about psyllium extract.

What is psyllium and psyllium extract?

Plantain is a rare Chinese herbal medicine, easy to obtain, and has little toxic side effects.

Psyllium extract is extracted from the plant of the Plantaginaceae plant psyllium as a raw material to produce a brown-yellow powder. The main active ingredients are psyllium glycosides, aucubin, ursolic acid, β-sitosterol, vitamin B, C, etc.

Commonly used for

Medicinal range of psyllium extract

1. Antitussive and antiasthmatic effect

2. Antibacterial effect

3. Digestive system effect

4. Anti-inflammatory effect

5. Anti-cancer and other effects

Quality appraisal of medicinal materials

Sweet smell and bitter taste. Slightly bitter taste. The rhizome is long, the leaves are narrow and oval, and the leaves are complete and gray-green.

Animal use

1. Enhance excretion

2. Expectorant and cough-relieving

3. Protect the intestines

4. Anti-inflammatory

5. Promote digestion

6. Inhibit pathogens

7. Clear heat and relieve fire

Precautions for dosage (for external use, you can use an appropriate amount of fresh materials, mash and apply to the wound)

30-100g for horses and cattle;

15-30g for sheep and pigs;

1-3g for rabbits and poultry.

So please try to use it under the doctor’s advice.

The ends.

Today’s sharing ends here. If you want to try it, please come to the store for consultation.