Ginkgo Biloba Extract (GBE) is a light yellow-brown flowable powder with a unique aroma and bitter taste. It is an effective substance extracted from Ginkgo biloba, containing total flavonoids of Ginkgo biloba, ginkgolide and other substances. It can dilate blood vessels, protect vascular endothelial tissue, regulate blood lipids, protect low-density lipoprotein, inhibit PAF (platelet activating factor), has a strong antioxidant effect, can remove excess free radicals in the body, prevent lipid peroxidation in the body, and expand Coronary blood vessels, increase cerebral blood flow, enhance platelet activating factor antagonism, and can treat vascular aging, cerebrovascular insufficiency and other nervous system diseases. In addition, it has the functions of improving immunity and delaying aging.


  • Main components of Ginkgo Biloba Extract

Ginkgo biloba has a wide range of biological activities and contains a variety of chemical components, mainly including flavonoids, terpenes, polysaccharides, phenols, organic acids, alkaloids, amino acids, steroids, trace elements, etc. Among them, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, boron, selenium and other mineral elements are also very rich, but the most important medicinal value components are flavonoids and terpenes. Flavonoids and terpenoids have various functions such as vasodilators and antioxidants.

Active ingredients of Ginkgo biloba extract: ginkgo lactone, acanthoflavone, ginkgoin, isoginkgoin, isorhamnetin, ginkgolic acid (15:1), ginkgolic acid (17:1), 7-nor Ginkgo biflavonoids, ginkgolic acid (c15:1), ginkgolic acid (c13:0), ginkgolide j, ginkgolide c, ginkgolide b, ginkgolide a.

  • Specifications of Ginkgo Extract
  1. CP2005 (total flavonoids ≥24%, ginkgolides ≥6%, ginkgolic acid <10PPM, peak ratio Q/K0.8-1.5)
  2. CP2010 (total flavonoids ≥24%, ginkgolides ≥6%, ginkgolic acid <5PPM, peak ratio Q/K0.8-1.2; I:Q>0.15)
  3. DAB (total flavonoids 22~27%, ginkgolide 5.4~6.6%, ginkgolic acid <5PPM; ginkgolide A+B+C 2.8%-3.4%; bilobalide 2.6%-3.2%)
  4. EP6.0 (total flavonoids 22~27%, ginkgolide 5.4~6.6%, ginkgolic acid <5PPM; ginkgolide A+B+C 2.8%-3.4%; bilobalide 2.6%-3.3%)
  5. USP31 (total flavonoids 22~27%, ginkgolide 5.4~12%, ginkgolic acid <5PPM, peak ratio 0.8-1.5; ginkgolide A+B+C 2.8%-6.2%; bilobalide 2.6% -5.8%)
  6. EGB761 (total flavonoids ≥24%, ginkgolides ≥6%, ginkgolic acid <5PPM, peak ratio 0.8-1.5)
  7. Water solubility (total flavonoids ≥24%, ginkgolides ≥6%, ginkgolic acid 1~5PPM) solubility 1~5%
  8. Low acid (total flavonoids ≥24%, ginkgolides ≥6%, ginkgolic acid <1PPM)
  • Pharmacological effects of Ginkgo biloba extract

Ginkgo biloba is still used in Chinese medicine to treat memory loss, stomach pain, dysentery, high blood pressure, mental stress and respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis and poor circulation and the anxiety it causes. The active constituents of Ginkgo are the terpene fractions, which include ginkgolides and bilobalides. These ginkgo flavone-glycosides have powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenging abilities.

The medicinal value and application of Ginkgo biloba extract are very extensive. Using advanced technology, process and equipment, through further extraction, separation and purification, its pharmacological effect is more obvious. It can improve peripheral blood circulation, lower serum cholesterol and assist in anti-cancer, etc. It can be widely used in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, nervous and other system diseases and health care.

It is understood that the CFDA has approved dozens of Ginkgo biloba extract formulations, and domestic manufacturers include Ginkgo biloba leaves, capsules, granules, soft capsules, dispersible tablets, pills, tinctures, drops, oral liquids, Ginkgo biloba extract injections, etc. .

The standards and requirements for quality control of Ginkgo biloba extracts and preparations are also increasingly standardized and strict. Postdoctoral fellow Qiao Hongxiang, chief researcher of Ginkgo biloba at Zhejiang Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Medicine, pointed out that the quality control standards for Ginkgo biloba extracts still remain on two active ingredients (flavonoids and lactones) and one toxic ingredient (ginkgolic acid). Ginkgo biloba extract only accounts for 30%. The inclusion of proanthocyanidins in the control standard will help to improve the quality level of ginkgo biloba extract.

  • Efficacy and Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba Extract
  1. Effects on the cardiovascular system

Ginkgo biloba extract can inhibit the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in normal human serum, thereby inhibiting the contraction of small arteries, dilating blood vessels, and increasing blood flow. Ginkgo terpene lactone is a highly specific PAF receptor blocker, Ginkgo biloba extract or ginkgolide can inhibit platelet activating factor (PAF) and cyclooxygenase or lipoxygenase. Ginkgo biloba extract was well tolerated and antagonized platelet aggregation by PAF, but had no effect on ADP-induced aggregation.

  1. Effects on the central nervous system

Ginkgo biloba extract affects the endocrine system and the interaction between the immune system and the central nervous system by inhibiting the effect of PAF, which can promote brain circulation and metabolism and improve memory function. In addition to improving the hypoxia-induced memory impairment caused by NaNO2, its anti-hypoxia effect may be related to its increase of cerebral blood flow and improvement of brain energy metabolism during hypoxia. Ginkgolide B can be used for clinical treatment of stroke.

  1. Effects on the digestive system

Ginkgo biloba extract can significantly improve the gastric and intestinal ulcers caused by PAF and endotoxin, and can partially inhibit the damage to the stomach caused by ethanol. Potential therapeutic effect on liver cirrhosis. Ginkgolide B may have a role in the treatment of acute pancreatitis.

  1. Effects on the respiratory system

The ethanolic extract of Ginkgo biloba has a direct relaxing effect on tracheal smooth muscle. The inhalation of aerosolized Ginkgo biloba extract not only inhibited bronchoconstriction, but also inhibited the reduction of white blood cells and eosinophils caused by PAF. Ginkgo biloba extract is of great significance in inhibiting and treating bronchial hyperresponsiveness.

  1. Anti-aging effect

Ginkgo biflavonoids, isoginkgo biflavonoids, ginkgol and quercetin in Ginkgo biloba leaf have inhibitory effects on lipid peroxidation, especially quercetin has stronger inhibitory activity.

  1. Role in transplant rejection and other immune responses

Ginkgo biloba extract can prolong the survival time of transplanted skin, ectopic heart xenograft, and orthotopic liver xenograft. Ginkgo biloba extract can inhibit the natural killer cell activity of the human body on KC526 target cells, and can also prevent the natural killer cell activity caused by interferon.

  1. Anti-tumor effect

The crude extract of green leaves of Ginkgo biloba, the fat-soluble part, can inhibit EB virus, and heptadecene salicylic acid and ginkgo have strong inhibitory activities; total flavonoids of Ginkgo biloba can increase the thymus weight and SOD activity level of tumor-bearing mice, and mobilize the body. Intrinsic anti-tumor ability; quercetin and myricetin can inhibit the occurrence of carcinogens.

  1. Antioxidant effect

Ginkgo biloba extract can directly scavenge lipid free radicals, lipid peroxidative free radicals and alkyl radicals, etc., and terminate the chain reaction chain of free radicals. At the same time, it can also participate in regulating and improving the activity of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. The antioxidant effect of flavonoids in EGB even exceeds that of vitamins, and has anti-radical attack properties in vitro.

  • Application areas of Ginkgo Biloba Extract

Scope of application: increase cerebrovascular flow, reduce cerebrovascular resistance, improve cerebrovascular circulation, protect brain cells from ischemia damage, dilate coronary arteries, prevent angina pectoris and myocardial infarction, inhibit platelet aggregation, prevent thrombosis, and remove harmful Oxidative free radicals, improve immunity, and have anti-cancer and anti-aging functions. It has a magical effect on the treatment of coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, cerebral arteriosclerosis, senile dementia, hypertension and other diseases.

Application areas: suitable for various fields such as pharmaceuticals, health care products, daily necessities, cosmetics and so on.


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