Okra is an annual herb. The staple food is tender flowers and fruits (the nutrient content of flowers is three times that of fruits). The tender flesh of okra is soft and smooth, with unique flavor and high nutritional value. It contains a slimy juice composed of pectin, galactan and gum arabic, which can help digestion, treat gastritis, gastric ulcer, activate the male central nervous system and male organs, protect the liver and enhance human endurance. What makes scientists more interested is the anti-fatigue effect of okra flowers and fruits after consumption. Because of its unique kidney-tonifying and anti-fatigue effect, it is called “green ginseng” by people excitedly.

Ⅰ. Okra Powder benefits

ⅰ.Tonifying the kidney, nourishing yin and strengthening yang, protecting the liver and protecting the liver;

ⅱ. Help digestion, protect the intestines and stomach, treat gastritis and gastric ulcer;

ⅲ. Anti-fatigue, enhance physical strength and endurance, is a natural body immune enhancer;

ⅳ. Beauty skin care, protect skin and mucous membranes, enhance skin elasticity, delay cell aging, and remove skin brown spots;

ⅴ.Replenishing deficiency and promoting blood circulation, clearing blood and removing evil spirits, removing swelling, removing blood stasis and detoxification, preventing constipation, treating hemorrhoids and mumps;

ⅵ.Anti-oxidation, anti-aging, anti-musculoskeletal aging; chlorogenic acid contains a special ingredient that can promote the synthesis and decomposition of collagen in the skin, bones and muscles of the human body, and has the function of promoting metabolism and preventing aging.

Ⅱ. Okra extract

Okra extract includes two kinds: tender pod extract and whole plant extract. The tender pod extract should use fresh okra tender pods as raw materials. If conditions do not permit, consider using tender pods and dried fruits; the whole plant extract should use fresh whole stems and leaves of the new grass, and the whole plant can also be used when conditions do not permit. Dry grass. In terms of nutrient retention, fresh ones are far better than dried ones.

The viscous substance LM (mainly containing a substance similar to natural hormones) rich in okra tender pod extract can strengthen the kidney and invigorate the deficiency, and has an adjuvant therapeutic effect on male organic diseases. It is often used for young adults and athletes. Eating it can eliminate fatigue and quickly restore physical strength. Of course, this has this effect on all people. At the same time, the mucus of the okra tender pod extract can help gastrointestinal peristalsis. The mucin secreted can protect the gastric wall, promote gastric juice secretion, increase appetite, improve indigestion, reduce cholesterol, and prevent cardiovascular disease and chronic gastric disease. And the “three highs” are most suitable for consumption.

The rich vitamin A and carotene of the okra tender pod extract is beneficial to the health of the retina and the maintenance of eyesight. It is a good food for young people to prevent myopia (but beware of excessive negative effects).

The soluble dietary fiber and vitamin C of the okra tender pod extract not only have a health care effect on the skin, but also can make the skin white and tender. Dietary fiber can easily take away trash from the human body and is a great nutrition and weight loss material.

The rich plant flavonoids in the okra tender pod extract, combined with various nutrients, can promote the body’s all-round self-regulation, thereby ensuring endocrine balance, anti-aging, anti-fatigue, endurance, and blood circulation.

The okra tender pod extract is a collection of nutritious okra tender pods after removing fiber, lignified substances, water and other non-nutritive elements. It greatly increases the proportion of nutrients in the original tender pods, making it more suitable for people in need. Tonic, and make it more convenient for consumers to eat through further processing.

Ⅲ. Nutrient composition of okra extract

The tender okra fruit is rich in protein, free amino acids, VC, VA, VE, selenium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese and other trace elements required by the human body, as well as viscous substances composed of pectin and polysaccharides.

Nutrition label of okra tender fruit

Okra extract, okra tender pod nutrient composition table (content per 100 grams)

Ingredient name            Content

Edible part                         88

Moisture (g)                    86.2

Energy (kcal)                    37

Energy (kJ)                      155

Protein (g)                         2

Fat (g)                                0.1

Carbohydrates (g)            11

Dietary fiber (g)              3.9

Cholesterol (mg)              0

Ash (g)                             0.7

Vitamin A (mg)              52

Carotene (mg)              310

Retinol (mg)                  0

Thiamine (μg)              0.05

Riboflavin (mg)          0.09

Niacin (mg)                    1

Vitamin C (mg)             4

Vitamin E (T) (mg)       1.03

Calcium (mg)                 45

Phosphorus (mg)          65

Potassium (mg)            95

Sodium (mg)                3.9

Magnesium (mg)         29

Iron (mg)                     0.1

Zinc (mg)                    0.23

Selenium (μg)             0.51

Copper (mg)               0.07

Manganese (mg)        0.28

Iodine (mg)                  0

Ⅳ. The health value of okra extract

The vitamin A in okra can effectively protect the retina, ensure good eyesight, and prevent cataracts;

The viscous substance composed of pectin and polysaccharides has the health effects of promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis and preventing constipation. Appropriate eating more can enhance sexual function and enhance human endurance;

Low fat, low sugar, can be used as weight loss food;

Containing trace elements such as zinc and selenium, it can enhance the body’s ability to prevent and resist attacks;

It is rich in vitamin C to prevent cardiovascular disease. It is most suitable for people with chronic gastric disease and the “three highs”, and has high immunity;

The combination of rich vitamin C and soluble fiber (pectin) has a mild protective effect on the skin and can replace some chemical skin care products;

Soluble fiber can also promote the excretion of organic substances in the body, reduce the accumulation of toxins in the body, and lower cholesterol.

Ⅴ. The okra extract is suitable for the crowd

  1. It is suitable for auxiliary diet therapy for prostatitis, male sexual weakness, gastritis, endocrine disorders, premature aging, fatigue, gastric ulcer, anemia, indigestion, constipation, bad breath, and getting angry. It is suitable for young adults, athletes, Skin care and weight loss, women, men, and elderly people with loose stools are beneficial to eat more;
  2. Okra is a vegetable with a taste biased towards coldness. People with gastrointestinal deficiency and cold and frequent diarrhea should not eat more, and fast during pregnancy.

After reading the above content, do you have a understanding of okra extract health benefits? Xi’an Herb Bio provides okra powder and okra extract have the best health benefits and better storage. Welcome to consult us and order!

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