What is Arabinogalactan?

Arabinogalactan occurs naturally in most plant cell walls and supports colon health by acting in the colon to activate immune cells. It is produced via a water-based extraction process from larch trees that grow in abundance. It promotes the growth of pro-biotic bacteria (such as Pet Flora) in the colon and contributes to healthy micro-flora levels. Arabinogalactan is a starch-like chemical that is found in many plants. It is found in the highest concentrations in larch trees. Larch arabinogalactan is used for medicine.


Arabinogalactan wholesale

Functions of Arabinogalactan.

1. Treat gastrointestinal problems.
2. Maintains health and promotes the growth of probiotics.
3. Nourishes micro-flora (probiotics) and encourages them to work more efficiently.
4. Enhances the immune system by increasing the number of immune cells present in the bloodstream.
5. Blocks invading bacteria and viruses from attaching to cell membranes in the liver.
6. Some people use it to provide dietary fiber, lower cholesterol, and to boost the immune system.
7. In foods, larch arabinogalactan can make as a stabilizer, binder, and sweetener.

How to use larch extract-arabinogalactan?

Arabinogalactan is a neutral polysaccharide composed of arabinose and galactose.

It is mainly used as a food additive and can be used in various food industrial production such as soy milk, ice cream, popsicles, jelly, beverages, canned food, etc. In addition, if you want to use thickeners, stabilizers, emulsifiers and adhesives, you can also use it.

Food additives

Arabinogalactan is mainly used as a food additive, thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier, and binder in industrial production, and is widely used in the processing and production of a variety of foods. The substance can also be used as an emulsified flavor, a base for seasonings, sauces and puddings, etc., and can also be used in the preparation of noodles, bread and sausages.

Arabinogalactan can be used as a thickener to increase the viscosity of food, improve taste and stability; it has a gelling effect and can form a gel under appropriate conditions, and can be widely used in the production of gel foods such as soft candies, jellies, and puddings.
In addition, it can also be used to enhance the gel properties of other colloids such as gelatin and pectin.

It can be used as an emulsifier. Arabinogalactan has good emulsifying properties and can be used as an emulsifier to make dairy products and fat substitutes. It can reduce the surface tension of water and oil, making oil droplets more stable in water, thereby improving the stability of dairy products. The substance can increase the stability of foam, reduce the loss of liquid, and thus improve the quality of foam food.

Generally speaking, the dosage of arabinogalactan in soy milk, ice cream, popsicles, jelly, beverages, and canned food is about 1%~1.5%, the dosage in vinegar, soy sauce, vegetable oil, fruit juice, gravy, and vegetable juice is about 0.2%~0.5%, and the dosage in bread, cake, noodles, and macaroni is about 0.05%.

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