Is Vitamin C Really a Panacea?

Even if you don’t know about vitamins, you must have heard of vitamin C. It can be found in health products, medicines, cosmetics, food and many other fields. People even gave him the reputation of “universal medicine”. So are vitamins a panacea? Let’s look down together.

Vitamin C in everyone’s eyes

When you are sick, take some vitamin C;
When you have a chapped lip, take some vitamin C;
My mouth is about to get ulcer, take some vitamin C.
But is it really possible?

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, also known as Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient for humans and a few other organisms. Many animals can use glucose to synthesize vitamin C, but humans can only obtain it from food. In addition, vitamin C also has the largest daily requirement of all vitamins.

People usually eat to absorb vitamin C. Mainly include: Prickly pears, fresh dates, kiwis, etc.; peppers, citrus, tomatoes, cauliflower, strawberries, lychees, green leafy vegetables, etc.; pumpkins, pears, apples, bananas, peaches, cherries; and livestock and poultry meat, fish, eggs, milk and other animals food as well as several plant foods such as dried soybeans.

Diseases that vitamins can treat

Vitamin C

1. Promote collagen formation, help cell repair, and promote wound healing.
2. Enhance immune function and promote antibody formation.
3. Promote mineral absorption, which is very helpful for people with anemia or osteoporosis.
4. Reduce arteriosclerosis, which has good preventive and therapeutic effects on arteriosclerotic cardiovascular diseases and adult diseases such as hypertension and stroke.
5. Anti-oxidant free radicals and anti-oxidation, which can effectively remove free radical substances produced by long-term exposure to adverse environments.
6. Anti-tumor effect. The medical community believes that free radicals are related to the occurrence of cancer or aging. Sufficient vitamin C in the body can prevent cancer.

Warning Up:The more the merrier (wrong)

1. Blood system
Long-term use of large doses of vitamin C can promote the absorption of iron and cause ferrocytic anemia. It can also reduce the intestinal absorption of vitamin B12 and accelerate the worsening of megaloblastic anemia.
2. Digestive system
Long-term oral administration of more than 3 grams of vitamin C per day can cause hyperperistalsis, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and in severe cases, gastrointestinal bleeding; it can aggravate gastritis and gastrointestinal duodenal ulcers.
3. Immune system
Taking too much vitamin C will significantly reduce the disease resistance of white blood cells, reduce human immunity, and delay the course of certain infectious diseases and allergic diseases such as rheumatism.
4. Urinary system
Taking too much vitamin C may cause the formation of oxalic acid and uric acid stones. It can also cause hyperuricemia in sensitive people and accelerate the formation of kidney and bladder stones.
5. Tumor
The Bryer research team at the Cancer Pharmacology Center of the University of Pennsylvania pointed out that vitamin C can induce certain DNA-damaging components, and these components can be found in various tumors, indicating that excessive vitamin C may have carcinogenic effects.

In addition

vitamin C cannot be used together with various trace elements, pantoprazole sodium, etc. Some studies have found that instilling vitamin C before testing blood sugar, total cholesterol, triglycerides and uric acid will lead to false reductions in the test results of the above indicators.

The importance of vitamin C is inevitable in the food industry. The multiple benefits of this vitamin make it a perfect addition to every food. But in most cases, the food manufacturers get concerned about importing 100% natural and large-scale vitamin C. Well! In this case, our professional fruit powder manufacturers may come in handy.

However, if you want detailed information on the role of vitamin C in foods, read the rest of the blog carefully or visit our Instagram page to explore more!

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