Changeable cancer.

Cancer, also known as malignant tumor (Malignanttumor), is called cancer or tumor in traditional Chinese medicine. It refers to a disease caused by abnormal cell proliferation and invasion of other parts of the body after the mechanism that controls cell division becomes abnormal. So, how does amygdalin affect cancer?

How does amygdalin affect cancer?

Amygdalin is a substance found in the bases or seeds of apricots, apples, peaches, plums, red cherries and other fruits. Almonds contain 3% amygdalin, which is decomposed by enzymes to form hydrocyanic acid. Hydrocyanic acid is toxic but a small amount has a sedative effect on the respiratory center. Therefore, it is documented in the literature that it has antitussive and asthmatic effects, and it has the effect of killing typhoid bacilli and other fungi. . In recent years, domestic and foreign research has proven that hydrocyanic acid also has anti-cancer effects.

Research and analysis have confirmed that bitter almonds contain an active chemical called amygdalin. Amygdalin is composed of three ingredients: glucose, benzaldehyde, and hydrocyanic acid. After being eaten, amygdalin can produce phenylhydroxyacetonitrile and glucose after digestion and decomposition. Phenylhydroxyacetonitrile then decomposes into benzaldehyde and hydrocyanic acid. Among them, hydrocyanic acid is a natural anti-cancer active substance. It only has a toxic effect on cancer cells and can kill cancer cells or inhibit their proliferation. At therapeutic doses, it is not harmful to normal cells and healthy cells; benzene Formaldehyde has strong cancer-killing activity and can relieve the pain of cancer patients. Therefore, amygdalin can kill cancer cells in the human body and is an effective nemesis of cancer. According to a survey by medical scientists, residents in these areas consume much more amygdalin in a day than other countries consume in a year. This is the secret to their longevity and freedom from cancer.

Cancer healing performance of amygdalin.

In other words, it is correct to say that amygdalin can fight cancer and kill cancer cells.

Amygdalin has been used clinically in the United States. They used it on 250 cancer patients. 248 cases were cured at normal therapeutic doses, with a cure rate of 99%, 2 cases improved significantly, and more than 4,000 cancer patients have been cured. Our country also uses amygdalin, almond glutinous rice porridge, and almond tea to treat intestinal cancer, lung cancer, and esophageal cancer, and has achieved good results.

In addition, American medical scientists have found that almonds can significantly reduce serum cholesterol. Almonds contain only 7% saturated fatty acids, no cholesterol, and are high in dietary fiber. For 24 patients with hyperlipidemia, after eating almonds for three weeks, the patients’ blood lipids decreased by an average of 10.3%. Therefore, for middle-aged and elderly people suffering from high cholesterol and hyperlipidemia, it is very beneficial to eat some sweet almond products and almond oil in moderation.


If you want to know more or experience more of the functions of amygdalin, such as calming and promoting the digestive system, please come to the store to purchase.