Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 refers to the enzymes that are “responsible” for the youth and health of the human body. Having discovered its production and studied the functions in the processes of metabolism, Peter Mitchell received the Nobel Prize. A significant event occurred in 1957, when the coenzyme received a second name-ubiquinone. It is synthesized by the body and is a pseudovitamin in form, since its composition is close to vitamins K and E. How important is coenzyme q10 and what happens when it is deficient?

General Information
Ubiquinone is a fat-soluble compound whose main role is to aid in mitochondrial energy production. These are cellular structures that are otherwise called “small power stations”. And the more of them in the cells, the younger and stronger the body. In old age, the content of mitochondria that produce energy decreases significantly.
The functions of ubiquinone or coenzyme q10 are quite diverse. Thanks to this connection:

  • There are processes of cellular respiration;
  • There is an energy exchange;
  • Transport of important connections is possible.

Doctors know what coenzyme q10 is for. Without it, there are difficulties in the work of the cardiovascular system, as the substance improves blood flow, being in the blood serum, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, protects against the deposition of cholesterol plaques. With its lack, various diseases occur in this area.
It is carried by blood cells and is concentrated in the liver and heart. With age, coenzyme q10 becomes a large deficit, so all important processes are inhibited: metabolic, oxidative and excretory. The functional capabilities of the heart and internal organs are reduced. Cells and tissues lack oxygen and nutrients. There is an aging of the body: the skin withers, the muscles become flabby, and the hair is brittle and dry.
In cosmetology, ubiquinone has long been called a beauty enzyme. Its deficiency is immediately reflected in the appearance:

  • The skin becomes dull;
  • It loses moisture;
  • A “parchment” or dry dermis is formed;
  • Wrinkles appear.

A healthy person produces 300 mg of coenzyme a day, from the age of 40 it becomes less by 25%. The decrease in concentration must be stopped by synthetic analogues of coenzyme q10.

Natural sources
Ubiquinone refers to the nutrients or nutrients that must come from food. Its use with other vitamins is extremely important for replenishing the body’s reserves of necessary substances.
If the concentration of the substance is significantly reduced, then food products containing coenzyme q10 help out:

  • Green leafy vegetables (spinach);
  • Legumes;
  • Sea fish with a high fat content;
  • Chicken meat;
  • Rabbit meat;
  • By-products;
  • Eggs.

Bran, whole grain products, and unpeeled rice also contain a small percentage of coenzyme. Including some of the listed products in the diet, it should be borne in mind that vitamin q is fat-soluble, so the products should be rich in fats or consumed with oils. With the help of a nutritionist, you can create a menu and replenish the stock of the necessary component.
Important: Coenzyme q10 is credited with miraculous properties that it does not possess. In particular, it does not prolong life, slightly reduces the amount of adipose tissue and is not able to affect the growth of muscle mass

Artificially Created Sources
The production of ubiquinols and ubiquinones has been developed, and there is no shortage of synthetic drugs. Their release form is different:
Gelatin capsules are convenient to use, where the coenzyme is already dissolved in a fatty medium.Drops based on them are convenient to add to drinks, but with drinks you need to eat dishes containing fats.
On their basis, chewable lozenges are created, which are supplemented with vitamin E.Tablets that are saturated with mineral additives are used. Sometimes a remedy with ubiquinone in the composition can be found in the form of a powder.Any drugs with coenzyme q10 are not prescribed independently, nor are they diagnosed based on their own conclusions. For a proper and reasonable reception, you need medical advice.
Medications with coenzyme
Medicines that have proven themselves well include:

  • Coenzyme q10 Doppelhertz Active;
  • Omeganol;
  • Fitline Omega;
  • Kudesan (used in pediatrics for children from 3 years old);
  • Coenzyme q10, obtained by natural fermentation.

With age, taking medications becomes a conscious necessity. This is the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, it helps in the fight against free radicals, which lead to rapid aging of the body.

Need and Admission Rules
The daily norm, which should be produced by the body and partially come from food, is 50-200 mg of ubiquinone. The dosage of coenzyme q10 is designed for a person in a healthy state. In some pathologies, the medication should be increased, but the amount and dosage is controlled by the doctor. Usually, the daily dose of coenzyme q10 is divided into equal parts and consumed with fatty foods so that the enzyme can be absorbed.
In the treatment of diseases associated with age-related changes: Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease, the need for coenzyme q10 increases significantly. Taking medications is useful when the disease is just beginning to manifest itself. This inhibits the development of the disease.

What is the Benefit of Coenzyme Q10
Ubiquinone in complex therapy helps in the treatment of a large number of health problems. Its effect on the body is as follows:

  • When tired during physical exertion, when the body needs to quickly restore energy reserves.
  • In stressful situations and psychological overload, which is not uncommon in our time.
  • In the case of heart disease and hypertension to maintain the work of the ventricles of the heart muscle.
  • In the treatment of cancer pathologies, it is used during chemotherapy.
  • When cholesterol and blood sugar levels are high.
  • Due to any immunodeficiency, if the body is weakened and needs additional sources of energy.
  • With injuries suffered and during surgery, recovery is much easier.
  • With the manifestations of migraine, which is difficult to remove with drugs against pain.
  • For men, their sexual potential increases sperm motility.

Most health problems occur against the background of a depressed immune system, which is why the drug Ubiquinone Compositum, which in addition to the main substance includes many useful components, is extremely necessary. Due to the additional energy, it strengthens the body’s protective barrier.

Support for the Cardiovascular System
Usually, as a result of cardiological diseases, blood circulation in small vessels also weakens, and its stagnation occurs in the capillaries. Coenzyme q10 has the ability to thin the blood, increasing blood flow and controlling the flow of oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues

It also Helps in Other Cases:

  • reduces the possibility of complications and relapses in heart attack;
  • promotes recovery after an ischemic stroke;
  • it normalizes the” jumps ” in pressure.

Coenzyme q10 relieves the condition of arterial hypertension due to blood thinning and its more active circulation.

Neutralizing the Side Effects of Statins
Statins are drugs that lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. Moreover, their action is not selective: they destroy both “harmful” and “useful” cholesterol, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis. Drugs in this group that are taken orally have many side effects. Among them, we can distinguish the possible development of diabetes, obesity and puffiness. With a sufficient level of enzymes in the body, it is partially able to neutralize these side effects.
When you gain weight, fats are converted to glycerol and fatty acids thanks to coenzyme q10. In this reaction, there is an active release of energy, which is spent on the needs of the body. If the lipid metabolism is normalized, then there is an active assimilation of food and decomposition products (toxins) are removed. Coenzyme q10 is not used specifically for weight loss. Given that it is found in fatty foods, it makes no sense to talk about its dietary properties. It is only a participant in the lipid metabolism, but not a source of getting rid of extra pounds.

Diabetes Mellitus
Studies have shown that low serum levels of the necessary enzyme exacerbate type 2 diabetes. The monitoring of patients with diabetes confirm that the content of coenzyme Q10 in them at a low level. The mechanism of its effect on blood sugar levels is quite complex and has not yet been well studied. But the link between the disease and the presence of coenzyme q10 is clearly traced.

Chronic Fatigue, Rejuvenation
If a person is constantly in a state of stress or nervous overstrain, then this can seriously affect not only the nervous system: the body as a whole suffers. Taking complex medications with coenzyme in the composition will help partially solve this problem, helping to “restore balance” to the nervous system.
Medications are recommended for people over 30 years old and overcome the state of neurasthenia, when a person is unable to control himself due to an excess of emotions. With chronic fatigue, poor concentration, and loss of strength, they will provide all possible help. Funds with coenzyme in the composition are used for depression, insomnia or a constantly drowsy state.

Coenzyme Q10 in Cosmetology
The enzyme has a positive effect on the skin due to its antioxidant properties, affecting free radicals that cause cell aging:

  • prevents loss of elasticity;
  • restores the epidermis tissue with additional energy sources;
  • promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, maintaining the elasticity of the skin;
  • it has the ability to regenerate: wounds, scratches, microcracks heal much faster;
  • smoothes newly appeared wrinkles and tightens deep wrinkles.;
  • relieves inflammation and removes the effects of sunburn.
  • Coenzyme q10 is an integral part of some cosmetic products. It is part of creams, serums, lotions, which are not only nutritious, they retain moisture in the skin.

Important: In order for the effect on the appearance to be 100% positive, coenzyme q10 should be taken externally and orally at the same time. The skin will receive nutritional components from the inside, and the body will receive an additional source of energy.

Complications of Deficiency and Side Effects
Preparations with Coenzyme Q10 Are Not Recommended for Use:

  • during pregnancy, since its effect on the body during this period is not fully understood;
  • during exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • in acute glomerulonephritis;
  • with a heart rate of up to 50 beats per minute;

In other cases, if a person has a large enough “bouquet” of chronic diseases, you need a doctor’s recommendation. Side effects are possible with prolonged and uncontrolled use of the drug. There is a loss of sleep, heartburn, nausea and skin rashes are possible.
If there is a deficiency in coenzyme q10, then there are much more problems. Depression, possible infertility, Parkinson’s disease, migraine headaches, Peyronie’s disease, the Prader-Willi syndrome.

In this age of fast pace of life, stressful situations, lack of sleep and poor ecology, coenzyme q10 is extremely necessary. After all, it is an additional source of energy that nourishes our cells and gives strength to work, to solve difficult situations, and helps with physical exertion. This enzyme is produced by the body on its own. But with age, the energy source runs out and an additional “battery charge” is needed.

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