When it comes to weight loss, do you have some problems:

Do you ever look at someone’s slim body and feel envious?

Do you feel inferior when you see your fat body?

Do you see a wide variety of weight loss products on the market, do not know how to choose?

Have you enrolled in various fitness classes and yoga classes, but you can’t stick to it because of inertia?

Don’t worry, this article will help you lose weight scientifically and healthily. It does not require a lot of exercise, and you do not need to try various weight loss products on the market one by one. It will help you build self-confidence and have a slim and healthy body in a short time.


First of all, let’s take a look at the main ingredients of common weight loss products on the market, and take you through the principle of how they achieve weight loss.

  1. MCT powder

MCT’s scientific name is chain triglyceride, an unsaturated fatty acid that provides the body with all the energy it needs without adding fat. Its unique structure can be quickly and efficiently broken down to produce energy in the liver. MCT also has the advantage of being quickly digested and absorbed. It does not require pancreatic lipase hydrolysis, and absorption does not require involvement of the lymphatic system. The unique metabolic pathway determines the positive effect of MCT on weight loss. When the body’s energy intake is greater than the consumption, the excess energy is stored in the body in the form of triglycerides, causing the body’s body fat content to exceed the standard, resulting in obesity. MCT controls weight gain by increasing energy consumption, suppressing appetite, and promoting fat breakdown. In other words, even if you consume MCT, your body will feel full even if you don’t consume carbohydrates.

  1. Green tea extract

In fact, green tea extract has no weight loss benefits, but in animal studies, green tea extract has been found to lower cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and to raise good cholesterol (HDL). On the other hand, the gallic catechin (EGCG) (green tea polyphenols) found in green tea extract is often added to weight loss products because it promotes gastric juices and dissolutes fat.

  1. Garcinia cambogia extract HCA

The outer skin of Garcinia cambogia contains a component called HCA (Hydroxycitric acid). According to animal experiments, HCA can compete with citric acid in the metabolic cycle in the body to inhibit ATP-citrate lyase and reduce fat production. Synthetic effect, has the effect of reducing fat.On the other hand, because HCA is a similar substance to citric acid, in high concentration, it inhibits the Phosphofructokinase in glycolysis and promotes glycogenesis in the body to synthesize sugar to stabilize blood sugar, thus reducing appetite and making weight control easier to achieve.

The pharmacological properties of garcinia cambogia are mainly to reduce the synthesis of fatty acids. Therefore, the effect of reducing body fat is greater than reducing weight. For people with normal weight but high body fat, garcinia cambogia health food can be used to reduce body fat synthesis. However, for obese people whose weight exceeds the standard to achieve the goal of weight loss, other weight loss methods such as the use of meal replacements, diet control and increased exercise are needed to effectively achieve this. In addition, Garcinia cambogia has the effect of exhaust and light diarrhea, and it has auxiliary effect for people with indigestion and poor bowel habits.

Garcinia cambogia HCA has a characteristic. It can adjust fat metabolism without affecting protein metabolism, and it is not easy to have edema during weight loss.

  1. Green coffee bean extract

Green coffee bean extract contains the active ingredient “Chlorogenic acid”, a plant polyphenols, which is formed by condensation and dehydration of a molecule of caffeic acid and a molecule of quinine acid. Current studies have found that the main mechanism of action is (1) to reduce the absorption of glucose from food in the small intestine, (2) to reduce the concentration of blood sugar, (3) to inhibit the absorption of fat, (4) to indirectly promote the decomposition of triglycerides in adipose tissue, so as to help control body weight.

The standard is green coffee extract containing 50% chlorogenic acid. The recommended daily intake is 400 mg.

  1. Psyllium husk powder

Psyllium husk contains 70% water-soluble fiber and 30% water-insoluble fiber. It has a high swelling effect, can suppress appetite, provide satiety, prevent constipation, lower blood cholesterol, and prevent colorectal cancer.

The recommended daily dose is about 5-10 grams, but please remember that the daily water intake must be greater than 2000c.c in order to make the psyllium husk fiber fully function. If the water intake is insufficient, constipation may occur instead.

  1. Gymnema sylvestreextract

Gymnema sylvestre leaves contain saponins, glycosides and other ingredients. Among them, Gymnemic acid and Gurmarin ingredients can block the sweetness of human taste buds. Therefore, after ingesting Gymnema sylvestre leaves, eat sweets only. Can feel the bitterness and astringency, but cannot feel the sweetness, so it can be used to restrain the desire to eat sweets. In addition, Gymnema sylvestre leaves can reduce the absorption of sugar in the intestines, and help to lose weight.

For those who just started using Gymnema sylvestre leaves, 100 mg at a time is appropriate, while the general use of Gymnema sylvestre leaves is 400-600 mg per day (in terms of 75%  Gymnemic acid), depending on individual conditions. It is also worth mentioning that the  Gymnemic acid affects the taste buds to feel the sweet taste for only about two hours, so if you want to use this to quit the attraction to sweets, you have to choose the right time.

  1. Citrus aurantium extract

Also known as bitter orange, its peel extract contains Synephrine, which is similar in structure to ephedrine, which can promote thermogenesis and suppress appetite, without the side effects of ephedrine, and is less likely to cause arrhythmia and cardiovascular disease. Or central nervous system injury. Synephrine can increase the breakdown of fat and promote fat burning. On the other hand, it can inhibit the center of satiety and reduce appetite.

The recommended dosage is 30-130 mg per day, taken with plain water within 30 minutes before daily meals or large meals.

  1. Aloe extract

Barbaloin in aloe vera will be converted into aloe-emodin anthraquinone, which stimulates the large intestine to absorb water and peristalsis, thereby promoting smooth bowel movements.

The recommended daily dosage is 100-200 mg. Aloe vera is not suitable for pregnant women and is not recommended for people with physical deficiency and cold, because it can cause contractions of large intestine and pelvic cavity or pregnant women’s pelvic congestion and lead to abortion.

  1. White Kidney Bean Extract

White kidney beans, containing alpha amylase inhibitors can inhibit the decomposition of starch in food into glucose, and reduce the further absorption of sugar by the body, thus having a weight loss effect. Therefore, white kidney bean extract is suitable for people who eat more starchy foods. Here is a reminder that the mechanism of action is to inhibit the breakdown of starch into glucose, rather than inhibit the absorption of glucose. Therefore, those who want to lose weight by taking white kidney beans, it is recommended to drink less sugary drinks or glucose-refined foods.

It should be taken 30 minutes before meals. It is recommended to take less than 2000 mg a day and not more than 500 mg in a single dose to reduce the side effects of diarrhea and vomiting. In addition, because white kidney beans can inhibit the decomposition and absorption of starch, starch foods are more likely to be fermented by bacteria and produce gas when they enter the large intestine from the small intestine. Therefore, there will be a slight exhaustion after eating, but it varies with each person’s condition. Generally, the higher the dose, the exhaust will increase.

  1. Capsicum extract

Capsaicin in pepper is a natural heat-producing substance, which can promote the secretion of adrenal glands and norepinephrine, and then break down fatty acids to produce heat for human use, and promote sweating. In addition, it can also suppress appetite, so it has the effect of assisting weight loss.

    11. Lotus leaf extract

The lotus leaf has the functions of dehumidification, diuresis and elimination of edema. Therefore, for people with edema-type obesity and constipation-type obesity, it has a good weight loss and lipid-lowering effect. In the lotus leaf extract, the main active ingredient is lotus leaf flavonoids. Lotus leaf alkali, etc., it has a fat-regulating effect, can inhibit the body’s absorption of fat, and can effectively promote the decomposition of fat.

Studies have shown that the alkaloids and flavonoids in lotus leaves can control body weight, prevent obesity, and regulate lipid metabolism disorders, and can be used for the treatment of hyperlipidemia and obesity. Among them, the weight loss mechanism of alkaloids mainly affects the proliferation and differentiation of adipocytes and the expression of related obesity factors by affecting the activity of lipase.

Flavonoids in lotus leaves can reduce the total cholesterol in liver cells, which is mainly shown in promoting lipid metabolism, but has a weak inhibitory effect on the synthesis of total cholesterol.

    12. Konjac Glucomannan   

Konjac glucomannan, also known as KGM, is a kind of natural polymer soluble dietary fiber, which is the best among all dietary fibers. It does not contain calories, has a feeling of satiation, and can reduce and delay the absorption of glucose, inhibit the synthesis of fatty acids, and has an excellent effect of reducing fat and losing weight.  It is also the ideal choice for chronic and habitual constipation patients.  KGM can significantly improve glucose metabolism, delay glucose absorption and help to inhibit hypoglycemia.   It also plays a role in regulating lipid metabolism, lowering blood lipids and anti-fatty liver.

     13. L-Carnitine

L-carnitine is an amino acid that promotes the conversion of fat into energy. Red meat is the main source of L-carnitine, which has no toxic side effects on the human body.

The main physiological function of L-carnitine is to promote the conversion of fat into energy. Taking L-carnitine can reduce body fat and weight without reducing water and muscle. In 2003, it was recognized by the International Obesity Health Organization as the safest without side effects. Nutritional supplements for weight loss.

     14. Senna Leaf Extract

Senna is traditionally considered a “cleansing” herb for its cathartic properties. More modern research has found that senna is very effective in treating constipation.

The active components in senna leaf extract are called sennosides, and its laxative effect and its active metabolite rhein anthrone are thought to inhibit the absorption of water and electrolytes in the large intestine, thereby increasing the volume of intestinal contents and stress. Sennosides can be formulated as enemas or suppositories or mixed with stool softeners or bulk fiber laxatives to form a combined laxative.

Sennoside is a powerful laxative and should be taken with care and dosage.

      15. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)

Conjugated linoleic acid(CLA) is not only one of the indispensable fatty acids for humans and animals, but also a substance that humans and animals cannot synthesize and must be taken from food. At present, it is believed that CLA plays a role in reducing fat by inhibiting the lipoprotein lipase activity of adipocytes, preventing the degradation of apolipoprotein B and A, promoting the transport and mobilization of fat, and inhibiting the synthesis of fat. Some studies also believe that CLA can increase the activity of rate-limiting enzymes in fat metabolism, such as hormone-sensitive enzymes, and accelerate the degradation of fat. After it enters the body, it can increase physical energy consumption, so it can effectively reduce body fat deposition in terms of weight control.

Combining the principles of weight loss with these ingredients, we can see some commonalities among them:

  1. Suppress appetite:

Increase satiety, delay gastric emptying time, and directly affect central nervous system

  1. Inhibit digestion and absorption:

Inhibit the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates: inhibit the effect of related decomposing enzymes and delay the speed of absorption

3.Inhibit the digestion and absorption of fats:

Inhibit the action of lipolytic enzymes, avoid contact between oil and lipolytic enzymes, delay the absorption of fatty acids

  1. Promote metabolism:

Increase energy consumption, increase fat oxidation, reduce fat formation…


Therefore, most of the appeals of diet foods will fall on these points. Some products will focus on a certain point, but most will take a composite route, that is, use the above two or more mechanisms at the same time. In addition to these directly related topics, it can be extended further, such as stress relief, improvement of intestinal flora, provision of micronutrients… etc. However, it is basically around these four basic frameworks. Weight loss advice is to start with diet and exercise, and then supplemented by health food or medicine. Try to eat (low GI value) foods to help stabilize insulin secretion, thereby reducing fat accumulation. Take a small amount of meals, chew slowly, eat more high-fiber foods, supplemented with “aerobic exercise for more than 30 minutes”, you will surely be able to sculpt your perfect body.


After reading this article, I think it will be more scientific for everyone to choose weight loss products in the future. Of course, exercise is also indispensable. As much as you desire to lose weight, put out your passion for weight loss and put it into exercise. If you stick to it for a month, you will find a brand new one. you. Which weight loss method do you usually try? Leave a message in the comment section and let me know!