Summer has been slowly away from us, and the beginning of Autumn is ushered in. The beginning of Autumn means that the heat is about to go away, and will not sweat profusely and turn into dark skin; In dry Autumn, we should eat more fruits that can clear heat and moisten dryness, nourish Yin and moisten lung, and help prevent Autumn dryness. So what kind of fruit is more healthy to eat in Autumn? Here are some fruits that are suitable for Autumn to eat:

  1. Pear

Eating pears in Autumn is the best choice. Pear meat is sweet and delicious, full and juicy. It has the effects of clearing heat and detoxification, moistening lung and generating fluid, resolving phlegm and relieving cough. It has a very good moisturizing effect on lung, bronchus and upper respiratory tract. It can also help digestion, promote appetite, and has a good antipyretic and diuretic effect. And it can be eaten raw, juiced, stewed or boiled.

How to eat:

Don’t throw away pear seeds when you eat pears! Pear seeds contain boron. When boron is sufficient, memory, concentration, and mental acuity will be improved. Pears can be eaten raw, squeezed juice, stewed or boiled, and have a good therapeutic effect on lung-heat cough, measles, senile cough, bronchitis and other diseases. If taken together with water chestnut, honey, sugar cane juice, etc., the effect will be better.

  1. Banana

Eating bananas at the beginning of Autumn can effectively prevent Autumn dryness. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that banana tastes sweet and cold, and has very high medicinal value. It can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, clear away heat, moisten lung, stop thirst and detoxify alcohol. Therefore, hot and dry people or in dry Autumn are suitable for eating bananas.

Europeans call it a “happy fruit” because it can relieve sorrow, because the pantothenic acid and other ingredients contained in bananas are the body’s “happy hormone”, which can reduce stress and relieve sorrow. In addition, bananas also contain phosphorus called “salt of wisdom”. Therefore, eating bananas in Autumn can relieve the sadness of Autumn.

How to eat:

It tastes better when eaten after heating. You can cut the banana into pieces and steam it, or make a soup with other fruits.

  1. Grapes

Grape is rich in iron and sugar. It is a good tonic for children, women and the weak and anemia. In addition, grapes can also produce body fluid, nourish the liver and kidney, facilitate urination, nourish yin and relieve irritability, and have a significant effect on treating allergic heat and thirst.

The whole body of grapes is treasure, especially the anthocyanin rich in grape seeds, its antioxidant effect is 18 times higher than vitamin C. Grapes are also rich in minerals and flavonoids, which have anti-aging properties.

How to eat:

It is best to wash it thoroughly before eating, and eat it with the seeds. Raw grapes can nourish yin and relieve troubles, pound the juice and add cooked honey to thicken the decoction cream, and take it with boiling water, which is especially good for treating troubles and thirst. Regular consumption is beneficial to neurasthenia and excessive fatigue. After the grapes are dried, the content of iron and sugar is relatively increased. It is a good tonic for children, women and people with frail anemia.


Lemon has the reputation of “citric acid warehouse”. In addition to containing a large amount of citric acid, there are also niacin and organic acids, which have a good bactericidal effect. In addition, it is its excellent skin beautifying effect. It is rich in vitamin C and can whiten the skin.

How to eat:

Lemon has a very sour taste and should not be eaten directly. It can be used as a side dish, squeezed juice or soaked in water. Eating more lemon can inhibit stains, promote metabolism, whiten and lighten spots, and make skin firm and shiny.

  1. Apple

Apple is sweet and cool in nature, has the effects of replenishing the spleen, nourishing stomach yin, producing body fluids, quenching thirst, moisturizing the lungs and pleasing the heart, and is known as the protective god of cardiovascular health. Eat more can improve the respiratory system and lungs

How to eat:

You can steam the apple and eat it. The pectin in it can not only absorb bacteria and toxins, but also has astringent and antidiarrheal effects, and it is easier to digest. Cut the apple with the skin into small pieces, put it in a small bowl and steam for 5 minutes. Function. Smell the fragrance of apple when you are busy at work, it can also refresh your mind and relieve tension!


Jujube is sweet in taste and warm in nature. In addition, fresh jujubes are rich in vitamin C. With three dates a day, people will not grow old.

How to eat:

Steamed jujube is easier to digest and is very suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach. Or use 5 red dates and a little wolfberry to wash and soak in water to drink. If you cook porridge with barley, you can get rid of dampness.

  1. Kiwi

Kiwifruit contains serum stimulants, which can help us stabilize and calm our mood. Its rich dietary fiber can also promote heart health and help digestion.

How to eat:

It takes a few days for kiwifruit to ripen. Put the kiwifruit together with bananas and apples, and then seal and tie the food bag tightly. In this way, the natural ripening gas “ethylene” emitted by apples, bananas and other fruits will promote its transformation. Soft and sweet.

  1. Loquat

Eat some loquat at the beginning of Autumn to moisten the lungs and relieve cough. Chinese medicine believes that loquat is sweet and sour and has a calming nature. It can clear the lungs, promote body fluids, and quench thirst. It can be used to treat lung heat and cough, persistent cough, dry throat, thirst, and lack of gas. The carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin C, etc. contained in loquat all have the effect of increasing the body’s resistance; the organic acids such as malic acid and citric acid contained in the loquat can stimulate the secretion of the digestive glands, improve appetite, help digestion and absorption, It has effects on quenching thirst and relieving summer heat; the dietary fiber in it also has a laxative effect. In addition, loquat core contains amygdalin, which can relieve cough and expectorant.

  1. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is one of the seasonal fruits in Autumn. It can relieve bloating, relieve phlegm and relieve cough, invigorate the stomach and eliminate food, reduce swelling and relieve pain, and have certain effects on stomach diseases, indigestion, chronic cough, and asthma with excessive phlegm. The vitamin C content of grapefruit is quite rich, which is of great benefit to patients with cardiovascular disease and obesity. In addition, most of the organic acids contained in grapefruit are citric acid, which can help eliminate fatigue.


Pomegranate is warm in nature, sweet and sour in taste, has the effect of producing body fluid and quenching polydipsia. It is a good food therapy for people with insufficient body fluid, dry mouth and throat, and endless polythirst. Pour pomegranate into juice or decoction to drink, can achieve the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, killing insects and relieving dysentery.

If you don’t have time to squeeze juice or worry about fruit storage, these fruit powders are a good choice. Not only the storage time of the fruit is sung, but it can be flushed anytime and anywhere as freshly squeezed juice, which is very convenient.

Xi’an Herb Bio supplies more than 100 kinds of fruit powder to meet everyone’s different needs for fruit, one-stop fruit powder shopping, if you want to buy pear powder, banana powder, lemon powder, grape powder, apple powder, jujube powder, grapefruit powder and pomegranate powder, click the button below, consult us to order!

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