Moringa leaves are the edible leaves of the Moringa tree (also known as the drumstick tree), a perennial tropical deciduous tree native to India. In November 2012, the Ministry of Health of China approved Moringa leaves as a new resource food (2012 Document No. 19).
The seeds and leaves of Moringa are rich in nutrients, and there are about 14 varieties around the world.

Moringa Leaf Powder


Moringa leaves are a high-calcium plant product. The calcium content is more than four times that of milk. In addition, it also contains high levels of potassium, iron, zinc and other trace elements. It also contains protein and amino acids similar to soybeans. It is A functional food containing complete nutrients. A person only needs to eat about 5 grams a day to supply the body’s nutritional needs for a day. Therefore, it can supplement calcium, iron, potassium, and zinc, and can provide weight loss consumers. Adequate nutritional needs without damaging the body due to dieting.

Moringa leaf powder is a pure natural green food made from selected young Moringa leaves and ultra-finely crushed. It has the functions of comprehensively supplementing nutrition, improving immunity, detoxifying and beautifying the skin, facilitating bowel movement, and losing weight. Moringa leaf powder is rich in nutrients and comprehensive. Vitamin E is 70 times and 40 times more than spirulina and soybean powder respectively.

Moringa Leaf Powder


Moringa is known as the “miracle tree”, “mother’s best friend” and “medicine treasure chest”. In Africa, it is called the poor man’s milk; in India, Moringa has been eaten for thousands of years and has become one of the indispensable foods in daily life; in Taiwan, it is called the “21st century human bodyguard.”
Are you excited when faced with such Moringa leaves? If you are interested, act quickly.

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