Table of contents

  • What is ecdysone?
  • What is the function of ecdysone?
  • Which industries is ecdysone used in?
  • What is ecdysterone?
  • What are the benefits of ecdysterone?


  • What is ecdysone?

“Ecdysone”, also known as “molting hormone”, is an active substance extracted from the root of Cyanotis arachnoidea C. B. Clarke, a plant of Commelinaceae. According to the purity, it is divided into white, off-white, light yellow or light brown crystalline powder. The chemical formula is C27H44O7, the molecular weight is 480.63406, and the CAS number is 5289-74-7. Ecdysone is hygroscopic and gradually darkens in color when exposed to light. It is easily soluble in ethanol, slightly soluble in acetone, slightly soluble in ethyl acetate, chloroform and hot water, and almost insoluble in ether. Specifications mainly include UV 90%, HPLC 60%, HPLC 70%, HPLC 95%, HPLC 98%, etc.

Ecdysone is a kind of substance with strong molting activity, which has the effect of promoting cell growth, and can stimulate the division of dermal cells to produce new epidermis to make insects molt. It has the effect of promoting protein synthesis in the human body, as well as eliminating cholesterol in the body, lowering blood lipids and inhibiting the rise of blood sugar and other biological activities.


  • What is the function of ecdysone?
  1. Pharmacological effects

Ecdysone acts on the human body to promote collagen synthesis, anti-arrhythmia, anti-fatigue; promote cell growth, stimulate dermal cell division, eliminate cholesterol in the body; lower blood lipids, inhibit blood sugar rise; physiological activity. It is a natural anticancer agent. Dew grass ecdysone has been developed irregular tablets, injections and ointments since its inception in 1976. It is used in folk for rheumatoid arthritis, and has good curative effect in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis patients with different symptoms. It is particularly obvious for improving the symptoms of “three more and one less” in diabetic patients.

2. the role of sports health care

In sports supplements, ecdysone has a remarkable ability to stimulate protein synthesis in muscle cytoplasm by increasing the assembly of amino acids into protein chains, and this ability goes back to the translation and migration processes of protein growth. Ecdysone is not only healthy and safe, it helps stabilize cells when cortisol damages, normalizes energy synthesis steps (ATP and sarcosine) and improves liver function so that the organism can quickly adapt to environmental and stress changes . Its safety, more than 50 studies have shown that ecdysone has no side effects, no interaction with hormones, and very low levels of toxicity. When it was tested by the ICN Biochemical Laboratory in 1998, the data showed that an ultra-high dose of 6400 mg/kg was required for ecdysone to show toxicity. Furthermore, there are no reports of any effects of ecdysone on mammalian hormonal systems in endocrine tests that include tests for testosterone, cortisol, insulin, corticotropin, growth hormone, and luteinizing hormone.

  1. The role of beauty

Cosmetics generally use specially processed high-purity ecdysone, also known as “ecdysterone”, which is a pure white powder or colorless transparent crystal, with a single component, no allergic reaction, strong permeability, and can be quickly approved in the liquid state. absorb. It can enhance cell metabolism and activation, has good exfoliating, freckle and whitening effects, and has significant repairing effects on chloasma, traumatic dark spots, melanin deposition, and acne. And it is much higher than any existing products on the market in promoting collagen synthesis.

Dew grass extract has been confirmed by research and testing that it has the effect of promoting the division and growth of skin dermal cells, promoting metabolism, and enhancing collagen synthesis. It is used as a natural cosmetic ingredient. Stronger and richer.

  1. Role in the breeding industry

Ecdysone is a substance necessary for the growth, development, shelling and metamorphosis of shrimps and crabs. It is the main raw material of “exfoliating hormone”. After adding this product, shrimps and crabs can be shelled smoothly, and the consistency of shelling of shrimps and crabs can be promoted. Effective Avoid killing each other among individuals, significantly improving the survival rate of breeding and the quality of commodities. In sericulture breeding, ecdysone can shorten the age of silkworms, make the clusters neatly, and promote silk spinning and cocoon formation.

  1. The role in agriculture

Ecdysone can promote the molting and metamorphosis of insects. High doses of ecdysone can disrupt the normal metabolic process in insects, making insects molt or metamorphose early and become tiny adults or deformed individuals. Insects are quite sensitive to ecdysone, which can cause insect sterility in mild cases and death in severe cases.

  • Which industries is ecdysone used in?

Ecdysone is widely used in medicine, health care, cosmetics, breeding, agriculture and other industries.


  • What is ecdysterone?

Ecdysterone (ecdysterone, β-ecdysone) is a hormone that regulates insect growth metabolism and was first studied by entomologists. In 1954, Butenandt et al. isolated 250 mg of the original insect metamorphic active substance ecdysone (ecdysone) from 500 kg of silkworm pupae. Since then , A variety of similar substances have been isolated in many plants. It has been found that the distribution of ecdysis in the plant kingdom is not only higher than that in the animal kingdom, but also wide and rich in resources, such as domestic Achyranthes, Sichuan Achyranthes, mulberry leaves, white Ferns such as Prunella vulgaris, Alisma, Lohan pine, yew, black hair fern and Ziji all contain their analogs. It is the study of the mechanism of action of ecdysone that makes people realize that steroids can affect the genetic activity and influence of ecdysone. Transcription of genetic information. In the following years, the structure of ecdysone was determined. The pharmacological effects of ecdysone, especially ecdysone, began to arouse people’s research interest. Studies in the past two decades have found that ecdysone also has strong effects on higher animals. pharmacological activity.


  • What are the benefits of ecdysterone?
  1. Promote the synthesis of nucleic acid and protein The earliest research on ecdysterone was about its assimilation.
  2. Effects on glucose metabolism The effects of ecdysterone on mammals, including the effects on glucose metabolism, are mediated through the cAMP-protein kinase system.
  3. Promote lipid metabolism The regulatory effect of ecdysterone on lipid metabolism is related to the effect of ecdysterone on cAMP-protein kinase system.
  4. Immunomodulatory effect The inhibitory effect of ecdysterone on the release of histamine from rat peritoneal mast cells may be related to its inhibitory effect on the mobilization of intracellular calcium storage.
  5. Effects on the central nervous system Ecdysterone as an insect growth metabolism regulating hormone also has a wide range of pharmacological effects on higher animals, and has less toxic and side effects, and is widely distributed in the plant kingdom. The in-depth study of the pharmacological effects of ecdysterone can not only provide a basis for the mechanism of action of many traditional Chinese medicines.

Biological Activity of Ecdysterone

Ecdysone (α-Ecdysone) is the main steroid hormone in insects and herbs, which can activate the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and induce apoptosis. Ecdysone plays an important role in coordinating developmental transitions and homeostatic sleep regulation through its active metabolite 20-hydroxyecdysone (Crustecdysone; 20E; HY-N6979).


Xi’an Herb Bio is a wholesale enterprise specializing in the supply of natural raw materials. We can wholesale the best ecdysone, provide friends with high-quality ecdysone at a favorable price.

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